Sex and intimacy: Having Sexual relation with Djinn Jinn Spirit demon Incubus / Succubus – Part 2


In previous article, I wrote on Succubus/Incubus did attract some hate mail to me. I understand some people have a fascination with these entities and some consider them harmless but I didn’t just wake up in one morning and make false accusations up about entities. Such articles I write are based on experiences and actual individuals whom I have dealt and helped with Allah’s will.

Succubus is a female low-level demonic entity that feeds o sexual energy, where an Incubus is a male low-level demonic entity that feeds off sexual energy. According to some individuals, succubus and incubus are a single type of entity but can change their gender since they can shape shift (Allah knows best). Often people who assume these entities love them and care for them, in my opinion is completely false. What they care about is the energy they receive when having sexual encounters with their prey.

Encounters with such entities happen in three ways. The first way is when such an entity attacks you due to black magic, or it being sent to you by a spiritual practitioner. The second way is where the entity randomly chooses to attack you for whatever reason, and the third way is when a person seeks such an entity to have sexual relations with.

I will now speak a bit about how each one of these areas of succubus/incubus encounter affect the individual.

Succubus/Incubus sent via black magic:

When such an entity is sent, it is sent for reasons such as:

1. To destroy an existing relationship such as marriage: When this happens, the victim is often left exhausted & weak and having sexual relations with their spouse is almost impossible. Often during this time, such entities also cause an increase in arguments between the two individuals which can lead to separation.

2. To prevent one from getting married or having a relationship: When a practitioner sends such an entity for this reason, what the entity does is make anyone who approaches this individual for marriage seem ugly. Such entities can also make one loose interest in having a human to human relationship where whomever they meet, they have no interest in getting to know better.

3. To cause the victim not wanting to get into a relationship because of how these entities are torturing them from repeated rapes: In this situation, the entity will continuously rape the victim leaving them weak & exhausted. They can even bring sickness to this individual where they know that if they were to have a normal relationship with a human, it would not work out for the best due to what these entities are putting their victim through.

4. Torture: At times, a person may go to a magician and simply want them to hurt someone but they won’t state a specific way. They just want this individual to suffer. In this case, the practitioner will employ the help of succubus/incubus (because they are fairly easy to conjure) and at times even both simply to have them repeatedly rape the victim in their dreams. Even when they are awake, such a person is left exhausted, weak and vulnerable to other various types spiritual attacks and blockages due to how these entities weakens one’s natural spiritual protection. I have had clients who have been victims of this and their life is complete hell; from bad luck to fights with their spouse to complete blockage in all they do, along with repeated rapes at night and at times throughout the day.

These are only some of the ways these entities can hurt their victims when sent via black magic. Allah knows best.

When a Succubus/Incubus randomly chooses its victim:

There is no 100% certain reason why such an entity will choose its victim. But from my experience, I have noticed that when succubus/incubus voluntarily choose their victim these individuals, they are usually from my experience but not limited to:

Individuals who have suffered some type of sexual abuse in their life: There can be many reason why such entities attack people who have been sexually abused. Often at times, these individuals have built up aggression which the entity feeds o when having sexual encounters with the victim which is a double benefit for the entity because not only do they feed from the energy of the sexual encounter but also from the built up aggression this person may have due to what happened to them. This person has already been through so much pain and suffering due to the abuse they have suffered. But all of that can increase when they are attacked by a succubus/incubus, its gets to a point that they have more anger more built up aggression in them, which at time may cause them to rebel in various ways which they would not of if these entities did not attack them.

Individual who are often involved with daily (or often) sexual encounters with different people: Some people will have various sexual partners.

These individuals I have noticed are an easy target for succubus/incubus because of their high sex drive. The entity will take a hold of these individuals and repeatedly rape them feeding o their excessive sexual energy which in the end will make it harder for the victim to have sexual relations with human because it will affect their sex drive. Also these people often fall in a state of depression where they have no desire to go out and meet people which they once did so eagerly.

I have seen individuals get attacked by these entities simply because they found them attractive. In the end this person once beautiful image is now destroyed. They have lost their beauty which can be due to but is not limited to illness & accident caused by the entity so no one else finds them attractive (which to me is odd because the entity is destroying an image it once found so attractive) and ageing quickly. The point I am trying to make is that these entities can choose their victim and attack them for various reason not just what I have stated above. Allah knows best.

Who bought Succubus/Incubus.

The third way these entities are brought into one’s life is simply due to this person own will. They have either bought such an entity or simply conjured one.

These are often the individuals who email me with words of re. They tell me what I am saying is a lie because they have not experienced any of what I have stated and that the entity is their “best friend and lover”. How pathetic is all I can say. Firstly, these same people who email me telling me “this and that” are also often the same individuals who email me sometime later telling me I was right. So how is it at one time I was wrong but now some time later I am right, confusing at the least. But I’ll explain.

When these entities are brought in to one’s life on their own accord, the entity has no reason to go full force on them. The entities considers these individual a long term feeding source. So they will not repeatedly and violently attack them as they may when they are sent by a black magic practitioner or when they choose the victim on their own.

This is because when they are sent by a black magic practitioner, their job is to cause “as much harm as possible” & “as quickly as possible” because the chances of this person getting treatment is highly possible. So, in this case the entity will fully unleash on them and try to take all they can get and cause as much damage as they can in the least amount of time. At other times, the entity will keep attacking these people violently because the practitioner who sent them is so strong that the one getting attacked by these entity has found not match for the black magic practitioner sending them. This is often because succubus/incubus are so easy to conjure where once the healer may try to remove one, the black magic practitioner can send new ones by the hundreds if not thousands. At times in severe cases, face-to-face treatment and not remote healing best deal these cases. The victim may have found a good healer but for some reason can’t get to them to do face-to-face treatment which at times is the most optimum treatment for such attacks. Therefore the individual keeps getting attacked.

When such an entity is practically invited to one’s home and life, the damage still occurs but with due time. What people don’t understand is these entities don’t love you. They love what they get from you, what you’re giving them is not meant to be given. And this thing being is sexual energy and your spiritual energy. When you lose these, you bring issues into your life. But people who bring these entities in their life by themselves don’t believe this because it happens with time.

When people bring these entities into their life on their own, these people still will suffer in various ways; some being:

  • Increase in illness (physical, mental & spiritual)
  • Lack in desire to have human to human sexual relationship
  • At times the entity becomes jealous and can attack your human partner
  • Decrease in aura shine
  • Ageing/Aging quicker due to the energy taken from you
  • Bad luck
  • Blockage
  • Lack in spiritual growth
  • Sexual medical problems

I had a client email me telling that he had a vampire entity and succubus. While talking to him, I asked him if he allow his vampire entity to feed off his energy since that is how those types of entities feed. He said “No they take away from your life force. I allow it to feed of my enemies so it can take their energy and cause them all sorts of problems”. So I simply asked him that only because his succubus takes his energy during a time of pleasure, it makes okay and safe? Of course he had no words.

When such entities are brought into your life at your own will, the list damage they can bring to you goes on and on. I have heard people say they will use such an entity for a short while and then get rid of it. But at times when trying to get rid of these entities, it causes them to come back with force and violence. Also these entities can be addicting to one where they won’t want to let go of them. And even if one manages to get rid of them, do realize in some cases damage done cannot be so easily undone even if it’s short-term encounter.

To some, it is all fun and games in the beginning, but beginning doesn’t last forever. Everything comes to an end and when the end comes for such individuals, it is only the beginning to a world of problems. Allah knows best.

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