Djinn/Jinn/Jinni – Reality, Wish-granting & Purpose

Islamic Viewpoint on Di erent Beings.
Wish granter: Djinn / Jinn can grant wish?
What They Can Do for You?

3I assume the confusion comes with the idea that a djinn, a fairy, a demon is all different beings and this is not true. Let me ask you, “Caucasian Female, A Chinese Man, An African American Female, A Middle Eastern man; now are you telling me these beings are all different? No, of course not. They ALL are humans, are they not? Why would we consider one or the other not human?

Technically they all share similar traits, feeding methods, sleeping methods, internally we all are the same, making ALL of us Human.

Here in the west they have a Jinn “An Islamic entity”, A demon “Fallen Angels” and so on, but in theory they all are JINNS!

Long before anyone even knew much about jinn, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had spoken of the three kinds of jinn. “There are 3 types of Jinn; One type flies through the air, another type consists of snakes and dogs. A third is based in one place but travels about.”

Now no matter what you wish to call a jinn or not, I do assure you, everything you say that is NOT a jinn falls in the 3 category that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke of; THREE KINDS OF JINNS.

Moving forward. Why do we think Jinns are wish granters? Where did we get this idea from? Can someone show me one solid text, one solid religious scripture that states Jinns are wish granters, and I did say Religious, because majority of the people who call Jinns as “wish granters” also use the Holy Quran for reference when describing the jinn, such as “Jinn are made of smokeless re”? People have a tendency of using an authentic text, then fabricating the truth to serve their own personal needs, such as “Look 1001 jinns, in this beautiful plastic ring, with a lab created ruby, that will bring you wishes galore, and an abidance of wealth for 49.99!”

Jinns do indeed have super powers. They indeed can do things we can’t, such as travel to places in mere seconds, but jinns are not God. Jinn cannot change faith and Jinn cannot do for you what is not meant to be. Some say there is no God. Well, I ask them, you believe in jinn, yet no god, yet you also believe in jinns are made of smokeless re info derived from where? Yet you have never sat face to face with a jinn and still believe in it.

Jinn is another creation of God, just like plants, just like animals. Many creations of GOD can do things that we can’t. For instance, a dog can smell hundreds of times better than us. An eagle can see something small as a mouse on the ground when flying hundreds of feet in the air, yet we do not keep eagles and say our eye site will improve, nor do we say, i have a dog so I can smell better. But we tend to say, I want a jinn to grant me “xyz wish”. Ignorant, with no solid backing, no solid proof that what you think, is actually a fact.

“Jinn grants wishes” where was this idea formed at ? I will tell you, the Disney Channel and children’s books then from this so called magician, so called conjures used what we saw as kids, as a tactic to get you in their web of BS.

Yes Jinn can assist us, just like another human can assist us. Yes Jinn can do it a bit differently, but jinn can do big things such as make you Rich, if so, please someone with a Jinn get me the power-ball lotto numbers! Jinn cannot find us love, what will they do, go interview someone for us to see if they will be compatible? Jinn cannot do many things people CLAIM they can.

I mean look at all these so called jinn sellers, key word “SELLERS”. Look at all the magician and conjures around the world charging for services, keyword “CHARGING”. If jinn could do half of the things some people claim they can, then people would not be sitting at home selling Jinns nor charging for services, both being ways to make money. If a jinn can help me get money, then why would I waste my time doing things as selling and providing services?

I have heard a few people say “No, no, you conjure a different kind of jinn, nope nope nothing like mine”. I’m sorry, you conjure a jinn, the kind of one that exists, only because you have made your jinn out to be this or that, and listened to this or that seller, say this is a Monkey Jinn, this is a Watcher Jinn, this is a Sexy love making Demons, this “Ghul” is playful and shy but and willing to be your next BFF. Claiming these is a personal issue, nothing consisting of truthful facts, our spiritual facts.

If one wants to learn about Jinn, then why not do it from the knowledge of the first ones who brought them in the public’s eye, were the first ones to speak of them, how they are made, how they are so similar to us, and how they are not? (I will let you figure out who these people are). Why resort to false claim, from individuals that don’t even have the common knowledge of Jinns, but have a great amount of skills to making a Jinn, something to fulfill each and every-one of our personal and spiritual needs? Are you going to believe in things to give you hope, false hope that is, or are you going to believe in something that was spoken of over 1000 years ago that people still acknowledge! Would it not be wise to see where the whole Jinn idea was first introduced at, the region, the country, and then look among those people, that describe jinn from those facts, which everyone knows is true.

Yes Jinn are fascinating, and yes Jinn can assist us in specific things, but before we go out looking for a jinn seller, why not take a few months to enlighten yourself and see what the JINN really is all about.

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