Diet during Djinn/Jinn & Muwakkil/Khodam Conjuration: Ritual Diet, Jalali vs Jamali Ritual & its Prerequisite

Today I will somewhat discus a very popular and in most cases, a diet that must be done when conjuring entities.

Many people do not realize that entities especially Djinns and Khodams/Muwakkils do not like the smell of specific things on us when we are trying to conjure them. These things can range from:
* Smell of Meats, Leather and Meats consumed
* Garlic
* Onions
* Alcoholic perfumes and colognes

Throughout my years of experiences, I have realized the most hardest thing for me is the “diets” that need to be done when performing rituals, because I really like to eat.


For example, many times a ritual is described using the two words, Jamali & Jalali. Jamali means mild tempered. Jalali means anger and fiery tempered.

I did a ritual to conjure the Khodam of Surrah Jinn and the ritual was very jalali. Meaning the ritual itself produced many problematic issues as well as the entities going the extra mile to stop you from doing the ritual. Such rituals also play a major role in a person attitude and anger issues.

Jamali rituals are mild rituals, with less conditions and less of a chance of harm.

These both words also describe the diet that must be used when doing certain rituals.

A Jamali diet has far less conditions than a jalali diet. A jamali diet will forbid a small about of certain things when performing the ritual, like not eating beef, not eating onions or garlic, etc.
5A Jalali diet consists of many hard conditions to follow, such as no animal products what so ever. No beef, no chicken, no sh, no eggs, no dairy, not touching anything made from leather during the duration of the rituals, not being intimate with your spouse, dressing in a specific color the entire duration of the ritual, no missing any of the mandatory 5 prayers, no wearing any alcoholic perfumes or colognes, staying in a state of Wudu ( Islamic state of cleanness) and so on.

When one is told the ritual that they perform will need to have a jalali and jamali diet, it means the things forbidden in the jamali diet and jalali diet must be followed through and from my experience that is so so hard.

Eating no meats or animal products is one thing, but also avoiding anything with onion and garlic is indeed very difficult. Everything has onion and garlic in it. Salad dressing, ketchup, bar-b-q sauce. So when following such diets, one realizes how important all the things we eat daily are to us.

These diets play a VITAL role in conjuring. If one cannot follow through with the diets, it is almost pointless to perform the conjuring ritual, especially when majority of the rituals require both of the diets, not only in Islamic but even in some dark rituals.

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