Children Being Kidnapped For Black Magic Rituals


Regardless of how advanced and modern our world gets, some brutal acts will never stop being practiced. One of those brutal acts is kidnapping of children for rituals of black magic, Austugfirullah.

Human sacrifice have not only been part of some ancient cultures but also part of ancient black magic rituals that dates back thousands of years.

Unfortunately, such black magic practices are still conducted behind closed doors today, Austugfirullah.

Morocco is a beautiful country that consist of unique cultures, beautiful scenery and evil secrets. One of those secrets is “Zouhri Children”. Zohuri children are born with distinctive marks; keyword is born meaning it was something they did not choose. Unfortunately these marks make these innocent children a target for evil and ruthless black magic practitioners.

There are many types of markings Blackmagic practitioner looks for, but in most cases, the child will not need to have all the markings for it to be considered it a “Zohuri” child.

Usually having one makes them a target. The markings practitioners look for is on a child who has not hit puberty (most of the time, as they are considered more pure, but teenage children even adults have been sought). These marking consist of: Blond hair or hair color that has a similar blondish tint along with the child having dissymmetrical eyes, two hair whorls on the top of the head (usually with this specific marking, the evil practitioner seeks another Zohuri child marking), odd marking of colors in one’s hair, unique mark in the iris of the eye, unique glow/luster in the child’s eye that everyone seems to notice when looking at the child, a solid horizontal line on the palm, a long line starting from the back of the child tongue to the front; these are considered the main markings but there are others.

If a child has all of these markings, they are considered the best of zohuri child but as stated before, simply having one marking most of the time is enough to put child’s life in danger in some parts of the world.

When such children are found, they are murdered/sacrificed, mutilated and or have body parts cut off . Indeed something of great evil is what these innocent children go through Austugfirullah. The purpose of this is to gather the child’s blood and spread in an area that is said to hold buried treasured that is guarded by Djinns/Jinns. When the blood is spread, it is said the Jinns/Entities guarding the treasure leave. According to some, the blood is spread as a sacrifice to the entities guarding the treasure so they do not come after the practitioner for taking it. Also it is said that such a child’s blood can be used by practitioners to find great amounts of buried treasure that a normal human could not nd on their own. There is various ways such children are used but end results is death of the child.

What makes a Zohuri Child special according to practitioners who seek them is that the child is half human and half jinn. Some have said the child is an actual jinn who was exchanged with the human baby in the mother’s womb because for some odd reason the Jinn wanted a human child, therefore, the Zohuri child is practically a Jinn; so the Jinns who guard the treasure the practitioner is looking for bring the child no harm and allow the treasure to be taken as long as the child is sacrificed, blood is spilled where the treasure is buried as an even exchange between the practitioner and the Jinns.

I would like to ask such evil individuals who I am certain believe in Allah Subahana Wa’tala / God; “Will this world not come to an end, what will you tell your creator, will your riches (if in fact they obtained any) help you then?”

It is saddening to say that Zohuri children are not the only children at risk, unfortunately all children are at risk because there is various black magic ritual that simply ask for “child sacrifices”, Austugfirullah.

Between 2007-2011, 400 children were abducted from Africa to the United Kingdom for Black Magic Blood Rituals. Around 2015, two British Children described ritual sexual abuse and child sacrifices. According to some, such news is not reported in full as it severely stains the reputation of the country where such acts occur, therefore, people often assume such acts are limited to specific continents when in fact they take place all around the globe.

2Human sacrifices have been done for thousands of years and were often done for various reasons. Ancient civilizations did such sacrifices to “Please the Gods” or various entities / spirits for protection
as well as for gain, such as increase in crops, rain fall, etc.

Hundreds if not thousands of years later, coming in to the times of today, such rituals are continuously conducted for similar reasons they were done long ago. But now, the focus for such rituals is applied to specific area; 95% of the time which is wealth, power and fame. When human sacrifices are used for such things, it is said the sacrifice of a child will bring better and greater results.

We often tend to hear these “ritualistic child sacrifices” are done by the world’s elite for power, or by celebrities who seek fame and fortune but how true this is only Allah Subhana Wa’tala knows. What is known for sure is that child sacrifice still do happen and are a part of various Black magic rituals done by individuals who seek a life one would only dream of, yet they forget that every dream comes to an end and we wake up to reality.

Such evil and horrendous acts do in fact bring suffering in this world. Evil does not bring gain for ever but the greatest suffering will come when they have to face their creator.

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