Invitations to Kings to Accept Islam

After the Truce of Hudaibiyah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, sent his envoy, with letters from him to various kings such as: Heraclius, the Roman Emperor, the Emperor (Kisra) of Iran, the Ruler of Egypt, Najjashi, the King of Abyssinia, the Chief of Bahrain and many other rulers and tribal chiefs.

Through these letters, all the rulers were invited to accept Islam. Many rulers, like the Heraclius of Rome and Najjashi of Abyssinia showed great respect and understanding for the letters. The chief of Bahrain even accepted Islam. There were some rulers, especially the Emperor of Iran, who received these letters with great arrogance and hostility. He tore the letter into pieces and issued orders for the arrest of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. But he was soon overthrown and murdered by his own son, who cancelled these orders.


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